FridaySo then I decided that after work i'd go watch Iron Man and see what all the hubbub was about. It was an awesome idea at the time considering i was starving and the weekend was acomin' but i was still hesitant aka lazy on leaving the house cuz the rollerblade trek home is always draining. So 7 oclock hits and i had to make a decision... so i decided to go mostly cuz i wanted to eat out and try something new so i checked the showtimes online and stupidly, I just missed the 6:50 show and the next available show was @ 9:20... damn it all! But then i remembered my main reason for leaving the house -> food -> so i thought to myself: "if i leave now, i'll get there around 7:30 (actually make that 8:00 because by this time half an hour had passed) so then i'll have an hour to eat before i have to buy my ticket and whatnot so it's perfect!

(there was a party at the neighbour's house or something.... )
Upon leaving and passing the first house i recalled my trip to Walmart where the theaters are and how freaking far it is... it must be a 30-40 min walk... so i went back home to get my rollerblades. On my way to freaking Walmart i get honked at again by some guys who then wave at me... seriously... wth's up with guys honking at me? So instead of 30min walk i arrived at the plaza within 20 minutes and looked around for a place to eat. I saw a Boston Pizza but that's all over the place in Toronto and plus it's not very good so i went to "Mike's" which was like Boston Pizza but not really...

(on the way there...)

(almost there...)

The front of Mike's
So it looked all fancy shmancy but the prices were normal-ish... i find that PEI food is quite expensive well... maybe that's cuz they don't have PHO or $5 Chinese food... but still.

I decided to have the "Gondala" which didn't look like much but filled me up quite well. Thought about desert but decided against it since i'll be watching a movie and would want some munchies, ie popcorn and we all know how expensive theatre food is... and it was. There's a concept of paying for your bill at the front instead of paying it at the table... it was kinda weird. The same situation happened the 2nd day i was in PEI while eating at a Smithy's or however it's spelled and i had an awesome awesome colossal omelette. Anyhoo I got the bill and sat there for like 10 minutes while waitresses passed by and what not... then i saw the people at another table just get up and i was like what the... and i finally paid at the front.

that's how the picture looks

(and that's what i got... except i started eating before i took the picture)
Well anyhoo i got my ticket but by the time i did it was already 9:15 and there was a surprising amount of people. I guess that's where all the cool kids go since it's right next to UPEI. I decided to go to the 9:40 showing instead. The movie for one thing was pretty damn cool. I liked how they integrated the CG throughout the film especially with ironman. When that big guy came out, it was a little more obvious because he didn't fit in as well, maybe the weight wasn't believable or the texture/rendering. While i was sitting there, it seemed everybody avoided my row. D: oh well i was able to put my jacket on one seat and my rollerblades and hat on another without worrying about people.
By the time the movie was finished it was about 12. Here are some pics:

me putting on my blades

oh ya... it was raining too.. D:

all by my lonesome
So ya... i guess the island doesn't like to have lights out on the road or at least tries to conserve on the amount of lights there cuz i was practically blading blind. And it was pretty late, dark and quiet. Much like a scary movie. And the sidewalk was bad so it was more or less a deathtrap at night which means i was on the actual road. Regardless of how empty PEI is during the day, it seems there's still a steady flow of traffic at 12:00 which only added to my fear of death. So I rollerbladed fast. Lo and behold a stupid car passing by decides to just scream out things i don't understand and frigging startles me. Damn.. what's with people in cars passing by? Needless to say, I got home in about 12 minutes.. :)
SaturdayMostly uneventful, because the stupid forecast said it'd rain but it didn't.... even so, it was pretty dang cold and cloudy anyways so i didn't bother to go out. I may have bought something in the groceries but i can't really remember... I really doubt it cuz i remember playing a lot that day. Oh waittttt... i did go... I bought some stewing beef for my next cooking project as well as some potatoes, and cabbage... I also looked for tamarind paste but maybe it doesn't exist? can someone explain to me how to obtain such a rare item? Maybe it goes by a few different names? Or is there an alternative?
So what i do now when i go groceries is i take my blades, and carry my shoes with my hands... and i go to the supermarket and get a cart and leave my blades at the bottom of the cart while i wear my shoes! hooray! I get funny looks sometimes but that doesn't matter... with or without me being weird i get looks anyway. What's just as strange is people like to look at what i have in my cart for some reason. They're really really interested in what i'm buying... like REALLY interested. I pass by a number of people and they practically strain their necks to find out what i bought. Why is that tho? Is it that strange to see an asian boy buying groceries?
That night i had to finish the chicken that i bought cuz apparently it was expired for a few days... knowing that however, i put it in the freezer so it was probably okay still... I made rice! woohoo and finished the left over pieces of chicken which was a big feat in itself cuz they're quite big... and left a small piece cuz i was about to explode. It's quite hard to make portions small enough for 1 person for 1 meal... or 2 meals even... when i make rice i usually have to account for 5 or more people so it was a tad unnatural... i thought i put in soooo little rice and it ended up to be so much. So i had a lot left over from Thurs. I think? and i just ate the leftovers with the chicken. Chicken FINISHED. The night ended with a few games of dota and some minutes of NBA playoffs.

my awesome breakfast
Sunday was a day for sleeping in! I woke up probably around 2 o'clock or so. I made some toast, eggs, and bacon... yumm... but by the time i finished it, Lori (my landlady) comes in and starts preparing stuff... hooray for mother's day. I finished my meal and helped clean up a bit but mostly stayed out of her way. She planned a get together with her family and friends for mothers day and she made a crapload of food. I had some frigging fresh steamed lobster... it was frigging fantastic. holy crap. and some mussels which were yummy in my tummy. Ya.. you're probably thinking this was during dinner... no... it was like an hour after i had my toast eggs and bacon... so ya you can imagine how freaking full i was. However, i was hungry again at supper time when Lori made some chowder from the leftover mussels and lobster... and man she can cook. so good. No pictures for you. I was too hungry.
All in all the weekend was quite awesome... i wish it was a little bit more productive in that i could've gone out and explored or something... but it was just too cold... i did jog on sunday but for a bit cuz my hands were frozen. But that doesn't really count. Weekend ova!
Please comment on the post above if you have any comments... danke.